Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pure Exhilaration!

Thanks to the gorgeous weather within the past couple of days, I have been able to partake in my favorite exercise activity! WALKING THE NOLAND TRAIL! This 5-mile trail runs along the shoreline of the 167-acre Lake Maury. I take Gage...and it is a great workout for the both of us!

The trail is made up of sand, dirt, small rocks, and even oyster shells in some parts!  It has 14 bridges as well as many observations decks that overlook the breathtaking views of Lake Maury. It is home to ducks, geese, deer, squirrels, turtles, etc. The turtles are usually found on logs/tree branches sticking out of the water, however, I have not seen any this year yet. Maybe because the water is still cold? I also have never seen any deer but my husband always finds, and is sure to point out, "signs of deer" when we've walked together, hehe ;o)

My favorite part of the trail is the Lion's Bride. It is actually a dam that separates Lake Maury from the James River. It is also where my husband's parents got engaged! So cool! Anyway, as you are walking, the woods open up and all you see are the glorious views of the James Rivers. I am an ocean/beach/river/WATER lover, so this part of the trail is blissful for me...and exhilarating for me to see every time! I usually let Gage sniff around while I take in the beauty at hand!

I found this blog/article about a runner's perspective on the Noland Trail. He brought up a discussion he has had with fellow runners about which direction of the trail is more strenuous. I agreed with him that the clockwise direction is a better work out. I think by going this way you experience more levels of uphill terrain. I think if you were to go counterclockwise, you'd be going down hill most of the way. I also like the clockwise direction because the Lion's Bridge comes at the later part of the trail, thus, something to always look forward to! husband and I are still training Gage on how to walk properly on a leash. We want him to stay right at our heels...we do not want him pulling us...and if other people or dogs pass by, we want him to ignore them...etc...etc. We do know that practice makes perfect, and I can attest to this because Gage and I have walked the Noland Trail the past three days in a row, and I could see a significant improvement in him yesterday.

However, we do have a hurdle to overcome...
We will be walking perfectly, then BAM! All of a sudden, Gage will start dragging me! For being only 55 lbs., that dog is ALL MUSCLE. Seeing, nor hearing, no one around, I'm thinking, "what the heck is his deal!?!" I start to get angry, which is the worst thing I can do since "my emotions go straight down the leash from my hand to the dog."

Well, come to find out...Gage (like most dogs) can smell anything and has hit the scent of another dog! And, he is on a mission to catch up to that dog, no matter how far away it is. Although frustrating for me at the time, I find it funny as I picture it now...his nose is to the ground; his paws are digging into the dirt as he's pulling; and he's practically dragging me! It is funny when we finally approach the people in front of us. They must hear us coming because they always look back. They must have sympathy for me as well because people will stop along the trail to let us catch up and pass. Just picture dog sled dogs...then picture me with my legs flailing around. Yep. Hilarious. Embarrassing. At least we are flying by and I never have to see them again!

In my research about the history of the trail, I found out that there is an Annual 10K on the Noland Trail. Born and raised here, and I had no idea about it! I think I may just have to participate in that this year :o)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thought for the Day...

Make someone happy,

Make just one someone happy,

And you will be happy, too!

Laus Deo!

Did you know?
Did you know that the four faces of the pyramidal point of the Washington Monument all bear inscriptions? Interestingly enough, the East face bears the words "Laus Deo."
Do you know what those words mean?
555 feet, 5.125 inches high, facing skyward, overlooking 69 square miles "Laus Deo" means "PRAISE BE TO GOD!"

The Washington Monument...what a magnificant landmark!

Construction of this giant obelisk (which means a tall, narrow, four-sided, tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top) began in 1848, when James Polk was President of the United States of America. He was our 11th President in case you forgot! The monument was built to commemorate the 1st U.S. president, General George Washington. The Washington  Monument is the tallest stone structure in the world and the world's tallest obelisk. It was designed by Robert Mills, an architect of the 1840s. A difference in shading of the marble is visible approximately 150 feet high. This shows where construction was halted for a number of years!

The Point to my History Lesson:
How neat it is to see another tribute to the Father of our nation...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ah :o)

Jimmy Durante

I just love his voice and what a sweet man he sounds like!

Cute story...Jimmy was a radio host and when he would signoff, he would say, "Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are..."
Although a mystery for years, Jimmy was referring to his first wife who died on Valentine's Day in 1943.
While traveling, they once stopped in a town called Calabash.
His wife, Jeanne, LOVED the town and thus, it became his pet name for her :o)


Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March!

It became very apparent this morning on the ride into work that spring is finally showing its face!
Although we left a few minutes later than usual, it was not dark AT ALL on our drive into work.

I looked up a table to see what times the sun rises and sets.
The sun rose 4 minutes earlier today than Friday - so cool!
Now, if only the weather would warm up a tad ;o)

Looking forward to June 25th-July 1st!!!
(when the sun won't set until 7:30pm)